The well-publicised driver shortages continue to remain at an all-time low which is likely to worsen as we approach the festive period, we therefore suggest all orders are received in advance of your normal booking schedules.As winter approaches, we are also likely to see port closures occurring more frequently as weather conditions usually deteriorate. This could also have an impact on transit times and the available slots for delivery leading up to this busy Christmas period.Your operational handlers will keep you updated on the progress of your orders and advise the last loading days depending on the service you utilise with Neptune. This situation is fluid and continually subject to change.We remain fully operational over the Christmas and New Year period and are only scheduled to close on the national bank holidays and in the afternoon on Christmas and New Year’s Eve.If you require more in-depth information, please do not hesitate to contact your operational handler who will advise the latest transits and sailing schedules at the time of your enquiry.